Singles Luau Fellowship - TODAY FRIDAY, JULY 8TH Aloha all Singles! Come join us for a Luau Today, July 8th from 6pm – 9pm at the Sautter Family Farm in Hayward. This will be a Hawaiian style Barbecue. Enjoy an evening of s’more making, cornhole, basketball and fellowship. Childcare will be provided. For more details please email . Don’t forget to wear your Hawaiian attire to be entered into the raffle! We can’t wait to Luau with you tonight!
Intercessory Prayer Saturday, 6:30 am. Prayer focus: "Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Hebrews 13:20-21) NKJV
New Membership Our Saturday, July 9th New Membership Seminar has been rescheduled to Saturday, September 10th from 8:30am to noon. For further information and to sign up online, please visit our website at or call the church office at 925- 479- 1414.
Sunday Celebration in Person and Streaming LIVE Join us for our Celebration Service at 10:30 am. We are excited to meet in person. God is moving and we are seeing revival. We can’t wait to worship with you. We are happy to announce that the capacity in our services is no longer limited and want you to know you are welcome to attend services in person. Please arrive early to ensure your seat. For a period of time, we are still maintaining safety protocol with masks.
Daniel's Company Our Young Adults ministry will NOT be meeting this Sunday, July 10th @ 1pm. We want to encourage all of our young single adults to come out and fellowship at the Singles Luau this evening, Friday July 8th from 6pm - 9pm at the Sautter Family Farm in Hayward. Please contact the church office at 925-479-1414 or email for any questions and further details.
Noonday Prayer Zoom Join us for Zoom Prayer between 12pm and 1pm every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, as we intercede on behalf of the world, our nation, and community. Meeting ID: 247 879 7330 Password: 233307.
Wednesday Family Bible Study – Book of Joshua Church! Join us as we study the Book of Joshua. We will journey through this historical book and see God continue to be faithful to His Word. Joshua was chosen by God to be Moses’ successor, a brilliant leader and strong spiritual influence. The key to his success was his submission to God. We read that the Israelites had to cross over the Jordan River to possess the land. And we learn that as we live the Christian life, we need to be obedient and cross over from the old life to the new. Let’s journey together with God; it can be a great adventure! Join us Wednesdays at 7pm for Family Bible study streaming Live on our YouTube Channel. This week we will be in Joshua chapter 17.
Women’s Thursday Weekly Bible Study - In Person and Zoom Women’s Bible Studies are Biblical based studies that cause us to go deeper into the word of God. We study a chapter of scripture every week, looking to gain understanding of how to apply the Word of God to our lives. These Bible studies are led by Minister Kathryn Simmons and Minister Jennifer Case and are interactive. All you need to do is read the chapter in advance. We will continue looking at the the lives of those who were examples of faith. This week we will be in Judges 11-12:7. Come join us as we journey together and follow behind those that have walked ahead in faith! Meeting ID: 2511407352 Password: 233307.
Women's Book Social The Book Social will be meeting Saturday, July 23rd at 9:00 am in our café. Now is a great time to join in as we continue to read, "Rebuilding the Real You" by Jack Hayford. Join us as we learn how the Holy Spirit rebuilds, transforms, and restores us so we can walk fully and fruitfully in the Spirit-filled life as we rejoice in God's faithfulness. For more information contact Minister Kathryn at 925- 479- 1414 or email
Women’s Ministry – In My Sister’s Closet We are excited to announce that this year on Saturday, August 20th we will be having ‘In My Sister’s Closet’. In preparation for that, we will be currently women’s and children’s clothing through July 24th. Clean out those closets ladies and bring in those items to be a blessing to others. We are accepting clothing, shoes, purses, accessories, and jewelry. PLEASE be sure that clothing is clean and gently worn. You can bring your donations in on a Sunday before service or to the church office Tuesday - Friday between the hours of 9am - 4pm. For any more information you can email Minister Kathryn at
Water Baptism Saints, our next water baptism is scheduled for Sunday morning, July 31st at 9am. If you wish to be water baptized, please sign up at the information desk, online at or email
God is moving in our church. Value wisdom and let His glory be revealed! That’s it for your weekly announcements. Enjoy your week! The Well Church Family 925-479-1414