Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, And gathered out of the lands, From the east and from the west, From the north and from the south. Psalm 107:2-3
Sound of Heaven (SOH) Worship - Redemption Songs Album
Redemptions Songs album now available! Click above or below to buy/download.
May God’s redemption become a reality in the lives of everyone who hears these songs!
May God’s redemption become a reality in the lives of everyone who hears these songs!
The “Sound of Heaven” worship ministry is an intricate part of the Well Church and is dedicated to creating an atmosphere in our services that welcomes God’s presence and is conducive to the prophetic and the Word of God.
The Sound of Heaven Worship Ministry exists to ensure that the vision of the church, particularly 1, 2, & 4 are realized:
1. A Habitation of God through His Spirit. A building or dwelling place to reveal God’s glory and Power – {Ephesians 2: 21-22}
2. A community of extravagant lovers of God and each other – {Mathew 22: 37-39}
4. A community of worshipers, who prevail by worshiping in Spirit and truth – {John 4: 23-24}
Our worship is lively, upbeat, soothing, cross cultural, and meaningful. Members of our team come from all walks of life, and though there are many influences present in our music, we minister out of one Spirit to create a unique sound that transcends race, gender, age, and denomination. - {Matthew 19:14}
The Sound of Heaven Worship Ministry exists to ensure that the vision of the church, particularly 1, 2, & 4 are realized:
1. A Habitation of God through His Spirit. A building or dwelling place to reveal God’s glory and Power – {Ephesians 2: 21-22}
2. A community of extravagant lovers of God and each other – {Mathew 22: 37-39}
4. A community of worshipers, who prevail by worshiping in Spirit and truth – {John 4: 23-24}
Our worship is lively, upbeat, soothing, cross cultural, and meaningful. Members of our team come from all walks of life, and though there are many influences present in our music, we minister out of one Spirit to create a unique sound that transcends race, gender, age, and denomination. - {Matthew 19:14}
Sound of Heaven Worship - Glory Revealed Album (Released 4/21/19)
🔶Our prayer is that each person will enjoy and share these projects with as many as you can, as we believe God to reveal His Glory not only in our community, but beyond – to a world that is in desperate need of Him. We want you to partner with us and with this tool to help spread the Good News!🔶
Ministry Leader