2333 Nissen Drive, Livermore, CA 94551

(Harp & Sword)


Jr. High & High School Students

Meeting 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays @10:30am in the Youth Sanctuary

The Harp & Sword Youth Ministry exists to see a company of young people come into a revelation of passionate love for God and an uncompromising obedience to His will as they impact a godless generation with the power of the Risen Savior. 

The fulfillment of this vision will be the fruit of a dynamic, life-giving ministry — a ministry with its focus directed toward building strong Christian leaders for tomorrow; a ministry dedicated to teaching, modeling, and living the uncompromising word of God and one that provides a safe environment through which young adults can express themselves openly in worship, praise and fellowship.

Our youth ministry will also strive to impact the community through campus outreaches, off-site activities, and youth witnessing programs. Our desire is to bring forth the “spirit of David” in all of our JR High and High School aged individuals.

Ministry Leaders

Ministers Andre & Tiffiney Ward