The Rock School of Ministry seeks to impart a deeper understanding of the fullness and purpose for God’s Word and His ministry in our lives today through the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. It is a two-year Christian Doctrine/Ministry training school held under the spiritual covering of The Well Christian Community in Livermore, California.
Classes meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm between January and December annually.
The Rock School of Ministry is for any believer who wishes to study and grow in the foundational and doctrinal truths of Christianity, and to be inspired to hear God’s voice and understand His calling to ministry.
We draw upon one of the tenets of The Well’s vision:
-We are called to be a community of defenders and lovers of the absolute truth and proclaim God’s Word as absolute truth
-We proclaim Jesus as “The Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6)
-By God’s grace and anointing we are called out to be trainers and equippers of the saints, to do the work of ministry.
Our Mission is to facilitate development of a strong biblical foundation in creating a strong belief system;
The classes are not meant to launch someone into ministry; rather they are designed to help someone understand God’s desire for their life-to know Him;
To provide an environment of excellence and completeness in the development of Biblical knowledge, under the overarching principle of transforming “head” knowledge to “heart” knowledge.
Classes meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm between January and December annually.
The Rock School of Ministry is for any believer who wishes to study and grow in the foundational and doctrinal truths of Christianity, and to be inspired to hear God’s voice and understand His calling to ministry.
We draw upon one of the tenets of The Well’s vision:
-We are called to be a community of defenders and lovers of the absolute truth and proclaim God’s Word as absolute truth
-We proclaim Jesus as “The Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6)
-By God’s grace and anointing we are called out to be trainers and equippers of the saints, to do the work of ministry.
Our Mission is to facilitate development of a strong biblical foundation in creating a strong belief system;
The classes are not meant to launch someone into ministry; rather they are designed to help someone understand God’s desire for their life-to know Him;
To provide an environment of excellence and completeness in the development of Biblical knowledge, under the overarching principle of transforming “head” knowledge to “heart” knowledge.
Ministry Leader