Women's Bible Study every Thursday @Noon (Koinonia Cafe' & Zoom) Meeting ID: 251 140 7352 Passcode: 233307
Women of Excellence Fellowship every 3rd Saturday @9am (Main Sanctuary)
Women's Book Social every 4th Saturday @9am (Koinonia Cafe')

Women of Excellence is a spiritually based ministry which includes fellowship, praise, teaching and prayer where as women we will allow God's Word and the Holy Spirit to teach us about our role and place as defined by our Heavenly Father. We will become fully rooted in the truth and celebrate together the freedom we have as we discover our unique purpose. Through relationship we will enter in intimacy with the Almighty and come into the fullness of our roles as women, wives, mothers, daughters, and friends.
Women face many challenges due to the condition of the world in which we are living. The messages that the world gives us about our roles and place in society can cause confusion for many of us and it can be hard to discern truth from lies. But as Christian women we know the Truth and His name is Jesus Christ. We will gather together to allow Him to teach and led us in all truth and wisdom.
The mission of our women’s ministry is to develop women of noble character.
Our goal is to encourage and equip women through instruction, application, interaction, and support.
Our purpose is to:
-Educate and equip women in embracing their call and role according to God’s word, the Bible (Psalm 139:13-16).
-Provide women a place where they can meet the real and living Jesus Christ and discover how to draw their strength and identity from the well that provides them living water and will cause them to thirst no more (John 4:10).
-Build the ministry and studies on New Testament Principles; teaching, fellowship, worship and prayer (Acts 2:41-47)
-Work in partnership with the men’s ministry (Genesis 2:22-23).
Women face many challenges due to the condition of the world in which we are living. The messages that the world gives us about our roles and place in society can cause confusion for many of us and it can be hard to discern truth from lies. But as Christian women we know the Truth and His name is Jesus Christ. We will gather together to allow Him to teach and led us in all truth and wisdom.
The mission of our women’s ministry is to develop women of noble character.
Our goal is to encourage and equip women through instruction, application, interaction, and support.
Our purpose is to:
-Educate and equip women in embracing their call and role according to God’s word, the Bible (Psalm 139:13-16).
-Provide women a place where they can meet the real and living Jesus Christ and discover how to draw their strength and identity from the well that provides them living water and will cause them to thirst no more (John 4:10).
-Build the ministry and studies on New Testament Principles; teaching, fellowship, worship and prayer (Acts 2:41-47)
-Work in partnership with the men’s ministry (Genesis 2:22-23).
Ministry Leader