2333 Nissen Drive, Livermore, CA 94551

The Time Is Now

Sep 12, 2021    Pastor Napoleon Kaufman

There is a "Midnight Cry" coming from the Lord! We need to be ready. In Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus shares a parable about the 10 virgins; 5 foolish, and 5 wise. We want to be wise and be ready for our Bridegroom with oil in our lamps. We don't know how much time we have before His return. There is a cost associated with having oil in our lamp. Are you willing to pay the price? When the Bridegroom cracks the sky and returns, will He find you ready?

Tune in for our Sunday Morning Celebration Service on Sunday Mornings @ 10:30 am PST. Streaming live from The Well Christian Community Church, Livermore CA.